Image credit: Yori Narpati
Something has been nudging at the tranquility of my village mind for some time now, and I think the time is just ripe for yours truely to express his village thoughts on it.
Boy meets girl. They sort of like each and they start a relationship. Boy begins to anticipate the day he'll be made to drink from the holy grail below girl's bosom. Well he didn't have to wait too long to get that opportunity. After persistent and well coordinated lobbying, he gets the nod to taste the wine from the holy vineyard. Just as boy lifts the cup to his lips to intoxicate himself with it's sacred content, girl gazes passionately into boy's eyes and says, "Sweet heart, please wait."
Boy mutters under his breath, "What the ..., not this time."
Girl continues sweetly, "Do you love me?"
Hmm, I guess many of you are familair with the above scenerio, aren't you? My village mind wonders why 'girls' ask this 'silly' question just when an 'all-jacked up' guy is about to make his triumphant entry into the holy city. Isn't that the ditsiest question to ask at that unholy moment?
This draws my mind to the oft repeated mantra by men - 'women enjoy being feed untruths by men.' Is that really true? Boy vrs girl's story seems to corroborate that assertion.
My question to women is this, "Do you think even if a man has no affectionate feelings for you, at that moment when the iron is hot and his whole body is enslaved by his 'libidal' cravings he will admit it?" Hell no! Neither would I.
Then why will girls choose that moment to ask that all important question? I don't know, and might never know. However one fact always remains - "boys will be boys and girls will be girls!"
Please remember these are merely the "thoughts a village boy". If you have personal thoughts, counter thoughts or addititional thoughts, please post them and let's have a healthy intercourse.
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